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My wife Debbie and I have been married for over 36 years. We have three grown children, Drew, Devon, and Adriana. I join the US Navy in 1984, where I spent almost 10 years on active duty. When I left active duty in late 1993 I stayed in the US Navy Reserves and retired from the reserves in late 2013. I started my civilian Law Enforcement Career in 2000 with the Susquehanna Township Police Department. After serving 20 years I retired as a Corporal Jan 31, 2020, and I was hired back by the Department as the Deputy Director of Public Safety and have served in that capacity for 4 years. I have been a member of the Dauphin County Crisis Response Team since Feb of 2003 and currently serve as one of the Team's Assistant Commanders and the Training Coordinator.

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Martin Luther King, Jr. Leadership Development Institute

C/O Mr. Merrick J. Green

4075 Linglestown Road, PMB 135 Harrisburg, PA 17112

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